Helmholtz International Fellow Award

3/31/2014 11:02:00 م
Cooperation with the world's best researchers is a key objective of the Helmholtz Association's international activities. To this end, the organisation has established the Helmholtz International Fellow Award, which targets outstanding senior scientists and research managers based outside Germany who have excelled in fields relevant to the Helmholtz Association, including science management at large international research institutions. 
Nominations can be submitted anytime by all member institutions of the Helmholtz Association



Feldmann Marianne 100x100
Marianne Feldmann
International Programmes
Helmholtz Association
Bonn Office
Ahrstraße 45
53175 Bonn
Phone: +49 228 30818-21
Fax: +49 228 30818-30
marianne.feldmann (at) helmholtz.de

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