Western Union Scholarship Fund at University of the People

4/18/2014 07:28:00 م
University of the People
Associate Degree
Deadline: 8 May 2014
Study in:  Any Country (online)
Term starts June 2014
Brief description:
This scholarship fund has been generously donated by Western Union. Through this fund scholarships are available for admitted students from the following countries: Brazil, China, Colombia, India, Jamaica, Mexico, Morocco, Nigeria, Philippines, Romania, Russia, Senegal, and Turkey. Students who have been admitted to the University from the above countries are welcome to apply for a Western Union scholarship.
Host Institution(s):
University of the People (UoPeople)  -  the world’s first non-profit, tuition-free, degree-granting online academic institution dedicated to opening access to higher education globally for all qualified individuals, despite financial, geographic or societal constraints.
Field(s) of study:
Business Administration and Computer Science
Number of Scholarships:
Not specified
Target group:
Applicants from Brazil, China, Colombia, India, Jamaica, Mexico, Morocco, Nigeria, Philippines, Romania, Russia, Senegal, and Turkey, ages 18-34
Scholarship value/inclusions:
University of the People is a tuition-free, non-profit institution. The University does not charge students to take classes, does not charge for any reading and other study materials, and does not charge for annual enrollment.
However, In order to remain sustainable, UoPeople charges small processing fees for application and examination processing. Applicants are charged a non-refundable onetime $10-$50 Application Processing Fee to cover the cost of reviewing and processing an application. The amount charged is based on the applicant’s place of residence – applicants from developing countries pay a lower amount. UoPeople charges an Exam Processing Fee of $100 per end-of-course exam. These fees, including the projected maximum cost for the entire degree program, are publicized on the website and in the Catalog.
For those individuals who are unable to pay their Exam Processing Fees, UoPeople has created an innovative Micro-Scholarship Portal that will enable donors to contribute directly to individual students in need of assistance. Additionally, students might be able to apply for other scholarships, such as a UoPeople scholarship, or the afore mentioned Western Union Scholarship Fund.
UoPeople accepts all high-school graduates who have internet access and can prove sufficient knowledge of the English language. Applicants must be 18 years and older and prove high school completion through the submission of a high school diploma and transcripts. The diploma and transcripts may be in a language other than English provided the applicant submits, in addition, an official translation document that is notarized prior to submittal. Applicants must complete the application requirements and undergo the application process in order to be accepted into the program. Aspiring students from Brazil, China, Colombia, India, Jamaica, Mexico, Morocco, Nigeria, Philippines, Romania, Russia, Senegal, and Turkey are eligible to apply for the Western Union Scholarship Fund.
Application instructions:
Students wishing to apply to the Western Union Scholarship Fund through UoPeople need first to be admitted to the. Once a student receives his\her official notice of admissions, they are eligible to request a scholarship from one of the many scholarship possibilities available at UoPeople, including the Western Union Scholarship Fund.
Aspiring students from Brazil, China, Colombia, India, Jamaica, Mexico, Morocco, Nigeria, Philippines, Romania, Russia, Senegal, and Turkey, ages 18-34, are invited to apply for this exciting scholarship opportunity to study towards their associate degree, supported by Western Union.  Interested applicants should first complete the UoPeople online application. Upon admittance to UoPeople, applicants will be invited to submit a request for financial aid from The Western Union Scholarship Fund.  Don’t miss this incredible scholarship opportunity – apply today!
It is important to visit the official website (link found below) for detailed information on how to apply for this scholarship.
For detailed information regarding the Western Union Scholarship Fund, click here.  For more information regarding UoPeople, visit the UoPeople website.

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