Erasmus Mundus Programme

12/03/2014 02:27:00 ص

Scholarships for students and academics

While the Erasmus Mundus Programme ended in 2013, Action 1 master and doctoral consortia and Action 2 partnerships will continue to offer scholarships for the next academic year and beyond. From 2014 onwards, new master consortia that will provide scholarship opportunities are selected within the new Erasmus+ programme (2014-2020) for international higher education cooperation and mobility.
Project descriptions are based on project applications and the Agency is not responsible for their content.

To apply for an EU-funded scholarship you should address your application direct to an Erasmus Mundus course or partnership. Please follow the steps below:

Action 1

  • Erasmus Mundus Joint Masters Degrees (EMJMD)
  • Erasmus Mundus Joint Doctorates (EMJD)
Programmes offered by consortia of higher education institutions with study/research periods in at least two European countries.


Scholarships for students and doctoral candidates to attend these programmes.

Who can apply?

  • Students and doctoral candidates from all over the world

Action 2

Erasmus Mundus Partnerships
Partnerships of higher education institutions from Europe and from a range of countries or regions across the world.


Scholarships for students and academics to study/research/teach in one of the partner institutions.
Scholarships cover a range of academic levels.

Who can apply?

  • Students (undergraduates to post-docs) and staff (administrative and academic).
Review all the Masters and Doctorates offering scholarships for next academic year.
Step 1
Select the course that interests you.
Step 2
Visit the partnership website to see which courses are available in which disciplines.
Apply direct to the consortium via its website.
Step 3
Apply direct to the partnership via its website. If you are registered at one of the partner institutions, you should contact your International Office.
  • It is now too late to apply for Erasmus Mundus scholarships for courses starting in the academic year 2014/2015.
    The next application round for scholarships is for courses starting in the academic year 2015/2016. Apply during the last quarter of 2014 or in January 2015: see the consortium website nearer that time for exact dates.
  • Application periods depend on the partnerships and the type of mobility.
  • New partnerships were added in the summer 2014.
See the FAQs
More questions?
See the FAQs
Some consortia or partnerships may charge an administrative fee at the application stage. If this is the case, it will be clearly stated in the application form.

Hear from current and former Erasmus Mundus students

  • Learn more about the benefits of Erasmus Mundus during and after your studies on the Erasmus Mundus Students and Alumni Association website:
  • European students: check out the website for information about EM explained by fellow European EM students and alumni

Other courses and scholarships in Europe

Europe offers a vast range of higher education courses, and scholarships from national, regional or other funds may also be available. You can visit the following website that brings together information on scholarships offered by national and regional authorities, as well as private sources of financing:

Guidelines for student concerns

Follow these pdfen guidelines if you are an applicant or a scholarship-holder facing difficulties with:
  • the way your application for an Erasmus Mundus scholarship has been dealt with, or
  • the way your Erasmus Mundus study period and/or scholarship grant is being managed.

Data protection provisions

The Agency's provisions for the  processing of personal data in the context of the Erasmus Mundus programme and the intra-ACP academic mobility scheme: pdfen
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