PhD Scholarships in Mining Engineering

12/06/2014 01:06:00 ص

#منح_دراسية لدرجة الدكتوراة في هندسة التعدين و تخصصات اخري من جامعة نيو ساوث ويلز في أستراليا !

The School of Mining Engineering at UNSW Australia is one of the largest mining schools in the English-speaking world and is accepting PhD applications from interested students. Boasting one of the highest numbers of PhD students working within mining engineering, we are searching for high quality students interested in completing a research project within a research intensive university.
PhD projects are available in the following broad areas:
  • Mining geomechanics
  • Mining sustainability
  • Mining systems and mineral processing
  • Mining education and innovative learning and teaching technologies
Elite students with a Bachelor of Engineering or Science in a related discipline (must be 1st class Honours or 85% grade average in undergraduate degree) and demonstrated aptitude for research may be competitive for international scholarships
(subject to English requirements of UNSW).
A 100 word summary of research interest, a CV detailing any relevant research/technical experience, list of research publications and reports authored, and a copy of academic transcripts (for Bachelor and any other degrees) is requested. Come and join a leader in mining education, work with our expert academics and advance your industry-focused research. For further information, please contact Dr Chris Daly –
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