International Master's Scholarships

4/04/2014 11:53:00 م

You are student and look for a high-level Master’s degree programme, innovative and internationally-oriented for Research and private sectors?
You wish to benefit from the cutting-edge research and innovative potential in France and in the Rhône-Alpes Region?For the 2014/2015 academic year, Université de Lyon is offering scholarships for foreign students having a high-level academic record and willing to join one of our Master’s degree programmes:
-Biosciences Master’s Degree
-Physics and Chemistry Master’s Degree
-Nanoscale Engineering Master’s Degree
-ADMIRE Master’s Degree
-Altervilles Master’s Degree
-AlterEurope Master’s Degree
-Public Policy Master’s Degree
-Infectious Disease Master’s Degree
Scholarship amount
400 euros or 800 euros / month depending to the applicant’s file.
Scholarship is awarded for a 10-month period.
You can find more information about application process from here
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