International Max Planck Research School for Solar System Science at the University of Göttingen

12/28/2014 03:07:00 ص
The Solar System School awards scholarships to excellent junior researchers to study towards a PhD degree in physics at an international graduate school.
The "International Max Planck Research School for Solar System Science at the University of Göttingen" (IMPRS, Solar System School) is a collaboration of the Max Planck Institute for Solar System Research and the University of Göttingen offering an international PhD programme in physics.
The Solar System School is a research-oriented graduate programme hosted by the Max Planck Institute (MPS) on the Göttingen Research Campus in the centre of Germany. In this unique environment, the IMPRS School is run jointly with the Institute for Astrophysics and the Institute of Geophysics. Junior researchers joining the doctoral programme will find that these institutes offer excellent facilities, internationally renowned researchers and experienced teachers, and provide excellent conditions to specialise in the field of Solar System science.
The research topics for doctoral theses address scientific problems from all areas of Solar System research represented at the institute, from geophysics and planetary physics to Solar and stellar physics as well as the underlying fundamental physics, computational physics, and space technology. High-profile space missions, outstanding projects for ground-based instruments and data analysis as well as theoretical and extensive numerical modeling provide a wide range of research possibilities for PhD students.
During their three-year PhD education, the candidates are advised by senior scientists. About 50 highly qualified doctoral candidates from more than 30 countries study at the Solar System School at any given time. The language of instruction is English. The curriculum has been designed to impart a broad, interdisciplinary and solid scientific education in astronomy and astrophysics, solar physics, and planetary sciences. It also includes additional qualification courses relevant for academic or non-academic careers.
Admittance to the programme is competitive and requires a Master of Science degree in physics or a related field. Calls for applications are issued once a year. Scholarship holders in the program receive attractive financial support to cover their housing and living expenses and are exempt from tuition fees. Graduate students obtain their PhD degree in a major scientific discipline with optimal career opportunities.

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