Cartier Women's Initiative Awards 2014

12/11/2013 10:30:00 م

Are you a leading business and you have a project in the initial development stage ? Submit your work to a national women's initiatives Cartier Award 2014 !

* You pioneering work .
* Than any other country in the world.
* Project is based on an entirely new principle .
* The project should be of 're Tacisc and his administration in order to make a profit.
* Project / business in the foundation stage has existed since the year to 3 years.
* Greater than 17 years .
How to Apply
{1 } Fill the application form online here
- Summarise goals (max 500 characters )
- Executive Summary (max 8000 characters )
- Schedule your business (max 1000 characters)
- Description of the product or service (max 3000 characters)
- Business model
- Description of the market
And more ....
{2 } CV
{ 3 } Memorandum of Association
{ 4 } patents ( if relevant )
{ 5 } financial statements / budget through Excel xls file
{ 6 } files supportive of the project .
For more information
For more details, visit the Website here , download the contest rules here
33 (0) 1 58 18 10 28
33 rue Boissy d'Anglas,
75008 PARIS
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