BREMEN TRAC Incoming Fellowships for Postdoctoral Applicants in Germany, 2014/15

2/16/2014 07:12:00 م

Applications are invited for two year BREMEN TRAC Incoming fellowship available to excellent post-docs at an early stage in their career. Applicants can be of any nationality, but at the time of application, researchers must not have resided or carried out their main activity (work, studies, etc.) in Germany for more than twelve months in the three years immediately prior to the call deadline. Each call for applications will offer six two-year postdoctoral fellowships. At least 50% of the positions are reserved especially for women. Application should be submitted till 1st April 2014.
Study Subject(s): The program is open to all fields of research represented at the University of Bremen.
Course Level: Fellowships are available for pursuing postdoctoral research programme.
Scholarship Provider: BREMEN TRAC, co-financed by the Marie Curie Program of the European Union.
Scholarship can be taken at: 
Eligibility: BREMEN TRAC applicants can be of any nationality, but at the time of application, researchers must not have resided or carried out their main activity (work, studies, etc.) in Germany for more than twelve months in the three years immediately prior to the call deadline. They must have received their doctorate no later than two years ago (date of issue of the doctoral degree certificate).
Scholarship Open for International Students: Applicants of any nationality can apply for these Incoming fellowships.
Scholarship Description: BREMEN TRAC offers two-year incoming fellowships, co-financed by the Marie Curie Program of the European Union, to excellent post-docs at an early stage in their career. The program is open to all fields of research represented at the University of Bremen. Positions are awarded competitively and come with an own research budget. Succesful applicants of any nationality complying with the rules of mobility will be able to conduct an independent research project in a highly competitive and vibrant research landscape.
Number of award(s): In the years 2013 to 2015 it is intended to publish yearly calls for applications within the BREMEN TRAC fellowship program. Each call for applications will offer six two-year postdoctoral fellowships. At least 50% of the positions are reserved especially for women.
Duration of award(s): These Incoming Fellowships are offered for two-year.
What does it cover? BREMEN TRAC Fellows will receive a two-year working contract according to the German civil service remuneration system with the accordant social benefits and rights plus a monthly mobility allowance. Social security and health insurance are covered by the salary (pay grade E 13 TV-L). Beyond that, fellows receive a travel allowance once for their relocation to Bremen. In addition, a research allowance of up to 8.000 € per year depending on the project needs is offered to cover expenses for various activities, such as conference and workshop participation and/or organization, field research (in Germany or abroad) and publication costs.
Selection Criteria: BREMEN TRAC fellowship applications will be subject to a selection process of four stages. Prior to this, there will be a formal check of eligibility criteria in terms of formal qualification, compliance with the application conditions and the rules for mobility. Only those applications complying with all eligibility criteria will enter the selection process. This selection process consists of:
-an initial screening by one of the university’s standing Research Funding Committees, together consisting of 18 distinguished experts from the faculties;
-an external, independent, international peer review of the most promising applications by two experts in the field of the proposed project and
-a video interview with the selected candidates conducted by members of the Research Funding Committee and additional Bremen scholars from the research area in question;
-following peer review and interview, the Research Funding Committees, as expert panels, create the ranking list for funding recommendation. The Rectorate approves the proposed ranking list for final funding.
Notification: Not Known
How to Apply: The application needs to be submitted electronically via an online application form.
Scholarship Application Deadline: The application deadline is 1st April 2014.
Further Official Scholarship Information and Application
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